Sunday, September 21, 2008

Multi-Cultural Aspect

The multi-cultural aspect of the research focuses on my students. At Carr Intermediate School, we are 99% Hispanic, and 85% are eligible for free or reduced lunch. The student body is a challenge to teach, but with current strategies, we have made exceptional gains in our CST scores the past few years.

This research is yet another tool to allow my students to succeed. This is my goal in teaching. I look forward to sharing more of the proccess and results with you here on this blog.

My Action Research Project Context

My school has implemented the Accelerated Reader program to track our students' reading levels and library books read. After using the program for a year, I noticed how difficult it was to get students to visit our library to get new books inbetween classroom visits. There was little motivation on their part to get new books.

Our school gave us money to purchase in-class libraries. I asked the students what types of books they would like to read, then I bought them. My class was one of the few that purchased our books from Scholastic rather than our vendor that supplies the library. It was a good thing-the library vendor delivered the books one week before school ended, while my students had access to the books for half the year!

My action research question is this: Will students read more if they have access to an in-class library rather than a traditional school library?

Ultimately, I want to know if using classtime to visit the library can be avoided if students can get books directly from my class. This would free up many instructional minutes that are used while students choose books and travel to and from the library.