Sunday, September 21, 2008

Multi-Cultural Aspect

The multi-cultural aspect of the research focuses on my students. At Carr Intermediate School, we are 99% Hispanic, and 85% are eligible for free or reduced lunch. The student body is a challenge to teach, but with current strategies, we have made exceptional gains in our CST scores the past few years.

This research is yet another tool to allow my students to succeed. This is my goal in teaching. I look forward to sharing more of the proccess and results with you here on this blog.


Kimberly V. Marcis said...

I would love to hear more about the strategies that you are using to make such exceptional gains in your test scores. It sounds like your school has some really good systems in place!

Kris said...

I would love to hear more too. Our state test scores fell 4 points this year. My third grades had a mixed bag as many classes do. We just became a DAIT district. Any time I can improve my teaching, so students can learn more, I am super ready!

Kris said...

I would love to hear more too. Our state test scores fell 4 points this year. My third grades had a mixed bag as many classes do. We just became a DAIT district. Any time I can improve my teaching, so students can learn more, I am super ready!